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FOI / 3742 / 2018 - Vehicle fire classification

Initial Request:

Freedom of Information Act request Regarding vehicle fires, I ask to be provided:

1.A blank copy of the fire report that is completed, the template

2.All correspondence relating to the completion of the document; how it should be completed, advice, guidelines, meaning of classifications

I am particularly interested in the information completed and submitted about the cause of fires and the evidence upon which the classification is based.

I am mindful that a fire often destroys beyond recognition the vehicle concerned to include the point of ignition and the cause of this. I am seeking to understand the classification used in the absence of evidence.

Additionally, about the cause, the basis upon which this may be deemed to be:

.Wear and tear i.e. unexpected, unaccountable

.External influence such as debris / litter, discarded cigarette

.Defect, possibly failure to maintain of manufacturer fault


Final Response:

Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find our response to your request on the accompanying documents and below.

1. Please see attached copies of blank fire reports used.

2. All correspondence relating to the completion of the document; how it should be completed, advice, guidelines, meaning of classifications

The report itself is filled in using the scientific method taught to all Level 2 Fire Investigators, they work through all the evidence developing hypothesis and testing them as we go, this is supported by the training, experience and relevant text books for reference. The following are the classifications we use;

Undetermined Cause: This will only be used if the fire scene is unsafe or in the case of a marine incident has been covered by a tide.

Accidental Cause: Sufficient physical evidence is found to support that the incident did not involve an intentional human act to start a fire where a fire should not be.

Deliberate Cause: Where physical evidence exists of fire raising to establish deliberate ignition beyond reasonable doubt e.g. presence of incendiary agent or mechanism etc., and all accidental causes have been ruled out. It is necessary to prove that at least one of the 4 components of the fire tetrahedron have been deliberately engineered or tampered with to start and/or spread a fire.

Accidental and Deliberate are both possibilities: Where the physical evidence to prove deliberate ignition beyond reasonable doubt does not exist but remains a possibility, and sufficient physical evidence is found to support that the incident may not involve an intentional human act to start a fire where a fire should not be.

I am particularly interested in the information completed and submitted about the cause of fires and the evidence upon which the classification is based.

See Above for the criteria in determining causes, In most cases during investigation various types of evidence becomes apparent that allows the Investigating Officer to determine hypothesis, they will then work on them to ensure they are robust, suitable and sufficient.

I am mindful that a fire often destroys beyond recognition the vehicle concerned to include the point of ignition and the cause of this. I am seeking to understand the classification used in the absence of evidence.

See Accidental and Deliberate are both possibilities above

Additionally, about the cause, the basis upon which this may be deemed to be:

. Wear and tear i.e. unexpected, unaccountable

If our inspectors suspected a fault or wear and tear etc in an item e.g. an electrical appliance we have the capability of sending that of for scrutiny with Bureau Veritas our Scientific Advisors

. External influence such as debris / litter, discarded cigarette

If the evidence is there then this may be named as part of why a fire occurred or accelerated burning

. Defect, possibly failure to maintain of manufacturer fault

See comment above about sending equipment/items of for forensic examination and testing. We also share data with other Fire and Rescue Services, manufacturers and trading standards if certain types of appliances are causing fires. Manufacturers can then do recalls or a national campaign if required.

. Other

Not sure how to answer other as the possibilities are infinite, however evidence would have to be there to name or suspect.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request you have the right to apply for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of your original email and should be addressed to: Internal Review, Performance & Data Team, Kelvedon Park, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex CM8 3HB

Please note that the response and data released to you as part of this request will be published on the Essex County Fire & Rescue Service website. The website address is All requests will be anonymised and no personal information including contact details will be disclosed as part of this process.

Thank you for your interest in Essex County Fire And Rescue Service.

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