Essex County Fire & Rescue Service

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EIR1744 / October 2024 / Incident Data

Thank you for your request under the Environmental Information Regulations.

We can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service (ECFRS) does hold the information you have requested.

Questions and final response: I would like to request the following information under the freedom of information act 2000:

Part 1: Please may you provide the following information:

Time of make-up,

Make-up number,

Pump callsigns assigned to make-up numbers for the following incidents:

1 Derelict building alight Laindon Road, Billericay 01/04/2024 incident number ending: 230374

2 Fire in roof of disused part of care home Ramsey Road, Harwich 10/04/2024 incident number ending: 231268

3 Large industrial unit alight Gardiners Lane South, Basildon 18/04/2024 incident number ending: 232191

4 Large industrial unit alight Parkway, Harlow 30/05/2024 incident number ending: 236540

5 Fire on ship London Gateway, Corringham 20/06/2024 Incident number ending: 238665

6 Fire in derelict building High Street, Clacton27/08/2024 Incident number ending: 247096

7 Recycling centre fire Hovefields Avenue, Basildon 14/09/2024 Incident number ending: 249030

Part 2: Additionally, please may you provide the following appliance timings information:

Callsign (please include callsigns from neighbouring brigades)

Time mobilised,

Time on scene,

Time available,

For the following incidents:

1 Derelict building alight Laindon Road, Billericay 01/04/2024 incident number ending: 230374

2 Fire in roof of disused part of care home Ramsey Road, Harwich 10/04/2024 incident number ending: 231268

3 Large industrial unit alight Gardiners Lane South, Basildon 18/04/2024 incident number ending: 232191

4 Large industrial unit alight Parkway, Harlow 30/05/2024 incident number ending: 236540

5 Fire on ship London Gateway, Corringham 20/06/2024 Incident number ending: 238665

6 Fire in derelict building High Street, Clacton 27/08/2024 Incident number ending: 247096

7 Recycling centre fire Hovefields Avenue, Basildon 14/09/2024 Incident number ending: 249030

Part 3: Finally, please could you provide the following information from the incident informative and stop messages:

A. Section A) Size of building (for example 40m by 40m)

B. Section B) Percentage of building/roof alight (for example 80%)

C. Section C) Number of main jets, hose reels and ground monitors

D. Section D) Time first relief was ordered for, and the number of relief pumps requested (for example- 6 pump relief required for 16:00hrs)

For the following incidents:

1 Large industrial unit alight Progress Road, Eastwood 27/05/2023 incident number ending: 195304 (Sections A, C and D- only the first 3 reliefs)

2 Derelict building alight Laindon Road, Billericay 01/04/2024 incident number ending: 230374 (Section C and D only)

3 Fire in roof of disused part of care home Ramsey Road, Harwich 10/04/2024 incident number ending: 231268 (Sections A, B, C and D)

4 Large industrial unit alight Gardiners Lane South, Basildon 18/04/2024 incident number ending: 232191 (Sections A, B, C and D)

5 Large industrial unit alight Parkway, Harlow 30/05/2024 incident number ending: 236540 (Sections A, B, C and D)

6 Fire on ship London Gateway, Corringham 20/06/2024 Incident number ending: 238665 (Sections B and C)

7 Fire in derelict building High Street, Clacton 27/08/2024Incident number ending: 247096 (Sections B, C and D)

8 Recycling centre fire Hovefields Avenue, Basildon 14/09/2024 Incident number ending: 249030 (Sections C and D- only the first 3 reliefs) 


The incident information requested can be found in the attached spreadsheet.

Points to note

Part 1 of your request: Due to the nature of the way the information is recorded on the narrative log in our Incident Recording System (IRS), some pumps may be assigned as a ‘make up’ but, later, one or more of those appliances may be cancelled or replaced with another appliance.

Therefore, for each incident, we have provided a list of Pump and Aerial ladder platform appliances that were mobilized at around or about the same time as the make-up request received by the control room.

Where you have requested information about make up messages and information and none has been provided, this is because there were no requests for make-up pumps, recorded or provided.

Part 3 of your request: In some cases, the size of the building and the % of building that was alight, is either not given or conflicting figures are given. In which case, this data is not provided.

The number of ground monitors used in any of these incidents, was not recorded in our IRS.


We hope this information is useful to you.




Incident and other data is published on our transparency site. Incident Data (essex-

Please note that the response and data released to you as part of this request will be published on our website

All requests will be anonymised and no personal information including contact details will be disclosed as part of this process.




Thank you for your interest in Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, we hope this satisfies your request. If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to apply for an internal review. 

Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of your original email and should be sent to or sent to our postal address: Internal Review, Information Governance Team, Kelvedon Park, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex CM8 3HB.

Please ensure you quote the above reference number in all future communications.

We would be grateful if you are able to complete our Feedback form, this will enable us to learn and improve our service.

Please use the above link to access, all responses are anonymous.

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