Thank you for your request under the Environmental Information Regulations.
We can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service does hold the information you have requested.
Please see below the answer to your request. Questions and final response:
Question 1 - Can Essex Fire & Rescue Service please provide detailed costings of rescues you have been involved with at Buttsbury Wash over the last thirty-six months?
We have provided a PDF attached to this email.
This details the costs to Essex County Fire & Rescue (ECFRS) in salary payments to our crews that attended incidents of rescue at Buttsbury Wash during the previous three years.
These payments are for salary only, the costs of Recruitment, Support Staff, Professional Development, Operational Training, Costs of appliances and equipment, fuel, and all the other costs that ECFRS bear to ensure that we have an effective workforce, capable of attending emergencies to protect and save lives and property within Essex, these costs are not shown.
It maybe useful for you to look at the entire budget for ECFRS to gain some understanding of the level of underlying costs that ensure we provide an effective emergency response for the residents, communities, business, and visitors to Essex. You can find our most recent budget information and previous years on this link
We hope this information is useful to you.
Incident and other data is published on our transparency site. Incident Data ( .
Please note that the response and data released to you as part of this request will be published on our website
All requests will be anonymised and no personal information including contact details will be disclosed as part of this process
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Thank you for your interest in Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, we hope this satisfies your request.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to apply for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of your original email and should be sent to or sent to our postal address: Internal Review, System & Data Information Governance Team, Kelvedon Park, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex CM8 3HB.
Please ensure you quote the above reference number in all future communications.