Thank you for your request under the Environmental Information Regulations.
We can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service (ECFRS) does hold the information you have requested.
Please see below the answer to your request.
Questions and final response
Question 1 - Please provide a detailed costings of rescues that Essex County Fire and Rescue Service has been involved with at Buttsbury Wash between January 1, 2020 and the current date (20/10/2024) • Please ensure the data is formatted in the same way and includes the same categories of information as that provided in EIR1681."
Please see attached two PDF ‘s – containing the data requested.
The data provided today spans the time periods
1Sᵗ January 2020 – 31ˢᵗ January 2021 and 2ⁿᵈ January to 21ˢᵗ October 2024.
The intervening period 30ᵗʰ January 2021 through to 1ˢᵗ January 2024 is covered in EIR1681, published on our Transparency site. EIR 1681 / January 2024 / Buttsbury Wash Rescues