Essex County Fire & Rescue Service

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FOIA /3788 / 2019 - Company Cars

Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service does hold this information.,

Please see below the answers to your request.

Initial request:

My request is regarding the Principle Officers (Chief, Deputy Chief and/or Assistant Chief) of your fire service and the provision of company cars as a benefit in kind.Please send me the following information:

1. Do you provide any of your Principle Officers with company cars? And if so,

2. What types of vehicle, (make and model) are provided?

3. Under what deal are these vehicles provided? (e.g. leased, brigade funded/owned etc).

4. How often are these vehicles replaced/upgraded?

5. For tax purposes, how are these vehicles treated, i.e. company car or emergency vehicle?

Final response:

Please send me the following information:

1. Do you provide any of your Principle Officers with company cars?


And if so,

2. What types of vehicle, (make and model) are provided?

Vehicle Model Make / Description Q5 AUDI Q5 S LINE


3. Under what deal are these vehicles provided? (e.g. leased, brigade funded/owned etc).

Brigade owned.

4. How often are these vehicles replaced/upgraded?

Every 3 to 4 years.5.

For tax purposes, how are these vehicles treated, i.e. company car or emergency vehicle?

Audi Emergency Vehicle, VOLVO - Company Car.

Thank you for your interest in Essex County Fire And Rescue Service.