Initial Request:
Please may you inform me of the supplier you use for the Firefighter's and Officer's uniforms.
In particular, may you provide the company who supply you the following uniform:
- Firefighter T-Shirt
- Firefighter Blue Shirt
- Firefighter Blue Trousers
- Firefighter/Officer Black Shoes (Slip-On)
- Firefighter/Officer Collar Rank Epaulettes
- Officer T-Shirt
- Officer White Shirt
- Officer Black Trousers
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This does not include the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) worn by Firefighters/Officers when at an incident - this is just the above uniform for when they are at station, events etc.
Further to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 please see our response below.
Footwear is provided by a company called NPS Limited.
Epaulettes are provided by Firmin & Son Limited
All other uniform is dual sourced and is supplied by Hunter Apparel Limited and Dimensions Limited
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request you have the right to apply for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of your original email and should be addressed to: Internal Review, Performance & Data Team, Kelvedon Park, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex CM8 3HB Please ensure that you quote the above reference number in all future communications.
Thank you for your interest in Essex County Fire And Rescue Service.