Under FoI, I would like information about recorded incidents of fire service call-outs related to electronic cigarettes, or vaping, in 2018 (to date), 2017, 2016 and 2015.
Please include the number of incidents in each calendar year which you have been called to involving electronic cigarettes. This could include, for example, fire alarms accidentally being set off by vapour from electronic cigarettes, in cases where the fire service is obliged to automatically respond (e.g. in work places, hospitals, student halls of residences, etc) or cases in which an electronic cigarette has caused a fire.
Please also include, for each calendar year, the number of these cases which were 'false alarms', i.e, there was no fire but an alarm had been triggered accidentally.
If possible, please provide a brief breakdown of each category of incident. For example the number of cases of vaping in workplaces, halls of residence, etc, which has resulted in a fire service call-out, and the number of genuine fires.
Final Response:
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find our response to your request on the accompanying documents and below.
Methodologies adopted were as follows:
Period Range: 01 Jan 2015 ? 16 Apr 2018
Data Source = IRS
Incident Categories = Fire, Special Service, False Alarm
Fire Incident Questions: 8.1 and 8.4 (including free text entry)
Special Service Reason = Free text entries containing Cig or Vap
False Alarm Reason = Free text entries containing Cig or Vap
Status = Checked
Order the Border = Yes
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request you have the right to apply for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of your original email and should be addressed to: Internal Review, Performance & Data Team, Kelvedon Park, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex CM8 3HB
Please note that the response and data released to you as part of this request will be published on the Essex County Fire & Rescue Service website. The website address is http://www.transparency.essex-fire.gov.uk/ All requests will be anonymised and no personal information including contact details will be disclosed as part of this process.
Thank you for your interest in Essex County Fire And Rescue Service.