Essex County Fire & Rescue Service

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FOI / 3806 / 2018 - Fire fighting funding

Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service does hold this information.

Please see below the answers to your request.

Initial request:

Please can you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

This request concerns firefighting funding

For each question I am seeking information for each of the following time periods:

i) 2014/15

ii) 2015/16

iii) 2016/17

iv) 2017/18 to date (most recent data available)

1. How much is designated for firefighting?

2. How many incidences of fires has your fire service been called out to?

3. How many fire engines does your authority own

Question 1 refers to the amount of funding designated to your service for the purpose of fighting fires.

Final response:

1. How much is designated for fire fighting?

The amount allocated to firefighting from 2014-15 to 2017-18 can be found here:

Please refer to section headed ?Service Reporting Code of Practice?

2. How many incidences of fires has your fire service been called out to?

i) 2014/15 - 3943

ii) 2015/16 - 4485

iii) 2016/17 - 5000

iv) 2017/18 - 4783

3. How many fire engines does your authority own?

14/15 = 74 Appliances

15/16 = 74 Appliances

16/17 = 70 Appliances

17/18 = 75 Appliances