Initial request:
I note that all new (or newer) fire appliances have had the word 'Essex' removed from what was the large yellow ESSEX FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE from the side of your vehicles.
1) Can you advise me as to who made this awful decision.
2) When was the decision made.
3) On what grounds was the decision made.
4) Why was the word ESSEX even removed in the first place. I note on the bulk purchasing arrangements for appliances, that the other FRS involved have, quite rightly, retained their full details, so that certainly cannot be the reason.
Even allowing for the blue light repeaters on the sides, there is ample room to include ESSEX back to where it belongs.
I just do not understand the logic or reasoning for the removal of the county name and having checked, you appear to be the only FRS in the country not wishing to clearly state where your appliances come from, other than by virtue of the small badge on the cab doors.
Final Response:
The wording placed on the header panels was agreed amongst the services that took part in the collaboration work regionally. The header panels on all pumping appliances in service within Essex Fire prior to the introduction of these latest appliances read Fire-Rescue, and did not include the word Essex. Our signage now reads Fire and Rescue Service. The only reference to Essex was, and continues to be, the large crest applied to the front cab doors.