Essex County Fire & Rescue Service

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FOI / 3828 / 2018 - Woodland, grassland fires 2014 - 2018

Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service does hold this information.

Please see below the answers to your request.

Initial request:

I am a journalist at the Press Association writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:Any and all fires recorded by the fire service as taking place on grassland, woodland or crops during the periods:

May 1 - July 31 2014

May 1 - July 31 2015

May 1 - July 31 2016

May 1 - July 31 2017

May 1 - July 31 2018

For each incident please also provide:The main cause of the fire, the ignition source, the main action by the fire service, any damage to property, any injury to persons.

Final response:

Please find our response to your request on the accompanying spreadsheet.

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