Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service does hold this information.
Please see below the answer to your request.
Final Response:
1) You named Newport's Mercedes Sprinter as "Special Op's Vehicle" - can you confirm exactly what this vehicles's role is? I understand it is for MTFA Ballistics, are there any other roles (l heard maybe CoResponding)?
Yes, Co-responding.
2) That leads me onto this question, can you please provide a list of all the Co-Responding Cars in the service (registration plate, vehicle make/model, based station etc). Could you also please list all the Fire Stations which do Co-Respond, either through this mentioned response car or on the pump?
Ford Focus Estate — EU12BBE — Coggeshall
Mercedes Sprinter — AV160VS — Newport
3) You mention that Orsett have their own Ford Ranger for SWR purposes. How long have they had this vehicle approximately, as I can't find it in any previous fleet lists? Can you also confirm if Orsett have a Boat in order to carry out their SWR, or are they like West Mersea which is an SWIR Support Vehicle ?
Ranger is currently not on the run and they do not have a boat. The Rangers at Mersea and Orsett are not support vehicles they are used to provide a Wading Response to water related incidents if they are the quickest resource and will be backed up by an SRT Team and Boat.
4) This leads me onto this question, can you please list all the Fire Stations which are SWR-trained? I was unaware that Orsett ever did SWR, as I only thought the main ones such as Leigh, USAR, Dovercourt and Waltham Abbey did them - So I’m intrigued to know if there are any others. In this list of Fire Stations, can you please outline which of them have their own vehicles in order to carry out this role, along with its registration plate? Also outline which have Boats? Those that do not have a designated vehicle, does that simply mean that they will put the SWR equipment on-board the pump (RP or WrT?) and then respond that way?
Vehicles allocated are below.
Dovercourt — Boat and vehicle reg AV16SXZ Swift Water Rescue Technicians (SRT) & Power Boat — MODULE
Leigh - Boat and vehicle reg EU62BBJ Swift Water Rescue Technicians (SRT) & Power Boat — MODULE 4
USAR - Boats and vehicle reg EU62BBO Swift Water Rescue Technicians (SRT) & Power Boat — MODULE 4
Waltham Abbey - Boat and vehicle reg AV16SYA Swift Water Rescue Technicians (SRT) & Power Boat — MODULE 4
West Mersea — Vehicle reg EN150MT Water Rescue First Responders (WRFR) — MODULE 2
Orsett — Vehicle reg EN150LE Water Rescue First Responders (WRFR) — MODULE 2
Chelmsford —AEIOFHJ (Received approximately November this year) Swift Water Rescue Technicians (SRT) but no Boat- MODULE 3
5) In relation to the above, I understand that there are different Levels (1, 2 etc etc) of SWR training, and I wondered whether this corresponds to which stations have a Boat, own SWIR Van, own SWIR Ranger etc? Therefore, for each of the above Fire Stations can you also outline what Level of SWR training the Station has received?
See answer to Q4
6) Furthermore, can you please confirm what Fire Stations are Ballistics MTFA trained? With that, can you outline what vehicle (registration plate) they use to conduct this role with each Station?
Newport and Wethersfield are the only stations alongside personnel from other stations and departments.
Newport - AV160VS
Wethersfield — EU59GHA
Leigh — EU62BBJ Ballistic van if required
USAR - EU62BBO Ballistic van if required
7) In regard to Harlow's DIM Unit, I was always under the impression that ECFRS had the DIM Unit MX06 VBZ, however the fleet list provided outlines MX56 NHB. Is this a new addition to the fleet? If so, what county FRS did this come from and where did the old one go to?
This DIM unit is on loan to us from Staffordshire following an rtc in our own unit, which is currently waiting to be repaired. The vehicle being returned to Staffs this week and ours being returned once fixed
8) Are there plans to replace the I-ILL at Rayleigh Fire Station? If so, are you able to disclose any information on the vehicle (vehicle manufacturer, coach-builder etc)?
The life of this vehicle has been extended until a user request/spec is agreed to determine what form the replacement will take. The vehicle is now currently scheduled for replacement in year 2021.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to apply for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of your original email and should be addressed to: Internal Review, Performance & Data Team, Kelvedon Park, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex CM8 3HB