Please see below the answer to your request.
Initial Request:
I would like to know the full appliance timings (including pumps) for incidents, that had one or more of the following specialist appliances in attendance, from the period of 1st January 2015 to the 31st December 2017:
1. Bulk Foam Lorry
2. Hose Laying Lorry
3. Water Bowser
4. Incident Command Unit
5. Aerial Ladder Platform
6. High Volume Pump
Please include: incident number, date/time of incident, callsign/home station, time mobilised, time arrived at incident, time available, duration in minutes at incident, incident type, incident subtype, property subtype and capacity (*See toward end of email).
Please also include appliances attending from other Fire & Rescue Services such as London, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.
If possible please add incidents where Colchester's ALP (10A5/A1) has assisted Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service (for this section, there are 6 known incidents for 2015, 2 for 2016 and 7 for 2017 - that I am aware of).
for fire related incidents:
*Information wanted for capacity (from informative messages): Size of building/area, percentage alight, what is alight (e.g. ground floor and roof).
false alarm related incidents:
cause/reason of false alarm (e.g. cooking, faulty alarm)
special service related incidents:
brief outline of incident details- e.g. window/chimney in precarious position or person trapped on roof or animal stuck on/in roof/tree.
Requested information format: Microsoft Excel document
Final Response:
Please find information attached. Data has been provided on a number of worksheets, split by special appliance type.
In relation to the text below, there is only one record in IRS where the Colchester ALP assisted Suffolk FRS. This is the only incident where Essex was responsible for recording incident details (only ECFRS appliances attended).You as the requester would need to contact Suffolk to determine other incidents where Colchesters ALP assisted.
If possible please add incidents where Colchester's ALP (10A5/A1) has assisted Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service (for this section, there are 6 known incidents for 2015, 2 for 2016 and 7 for 2017 - that I am aware of)?
Also, in a supplementary email the requester suggested the following:
Thank you for your acknowledgement email. If I may I just wanted to provide you with some stats for ALP incidents I have come across which I hope helps you locate all incidents to ensure accuracy. In 2017 there were 82 known incidents- including 21 for Grays (50A5/A1) which has a breakdown of 6 fire, 1 false alarm and 14 special service?
Again, this does not correlate with the data in IRS. Without any filters applied, in 2017 (all record states, and all incident types) there were 75 incidents where an ALP attended. Of those, 50A5/A1 attended 18 incidents. There are only two records in IRS that are outstanding for 2017, so when completed and checked the suggested totals of 82 or 21 respectively would still not be reached.
Thank you for your interest in Essex County Fire & Rescue Service.