Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service does hold this information.
Please see below the answer to your request.
Initial Request:
Is this drone a shared resource with other emergency services, such as the police?
What was the capital cost of your drone?
What is the anticipated annual revenue cost of maintaining your drone for operational purposes?
What drone crewing arrangements are currently in place for ensuring the drone is available for emergency incidents?
Do you have a policy on the operational use of the drone? If so, could I please have a copy?
What evaluation process did you adopt before purchasing the drone?
What is the most common use for drones within your fire service, e.g. surveying, RTC incidents etc.
Please supply statistics of the operational use of the drone since purchased as follows, number of mobilisations, incident type, and time in use.
Final Response:
Yes, but only for training purposes. We do not have an operational Drone.
Is this drone a shared resource with other emergency services, such as the police?
What was the capital cost of your drone?
What is the anticipated annual revenue cost of maintaining your drone for operational purposes?
What drone crewing arrangements are currently in place for ensuring the drone is available for emergency incidents?
Do you have a policy on the operational use of the drone? If so, could I please have a copy?
What evaluation process did you adopt before purchasing the drone?
What is the most common use for drones within your fire service, e.g. surveying, RTC incidents etc.
Training purposes
Please supply statistics of the operational use of the drone since purchased as follows, number of mobilisations, incident type, and time in use.