Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service does hold this information.
Please see below the answer to your request.
Initial Request:
1a) When responding to an emergency situation what would you consider the main con-tributing factors to increased response times?
1b) Do these factors change depending on the type of building the emergency is in e.g a house fire or a warehouse fire?
2) Do different issue arise when responding to a rural fire rather than one in a city?
3) When responding to a fire how often is obtaining sufficient access to a building an issue?
4) Is GIS used in anyway to prepare your response to a fire?
5) Do you use or have access to BIMs (Building Information Models) before responding to an emergency?
6) Is AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) a system you use at all and if so how?
7) How do you select sites for the construction of new fire stations?
8) Is there anything you can currently use to check both access to a building and information on a building (e.g. construction materials and fire equipment locations) before responding to an emergency at that location?
Final Response:
1a) When responding to an emergency situation what would you consider the main contributing factors to increased response times?
Getting the correct address and incident type as quickly as possible
1b) Do these factors change depending on the type of building the emergency is in e.g a house fire or a warehouse fire?
The questions that we would ask would vary situation depending on the incident type.
2) Do different issue arise when responding to a rural fire rather than one in a city?
The ETA for an appliance to book in attendance is normally significantly longer for a rural location; therefore, larger incidents can develop more quickly.
3) When responding to a fire how often is obtaining sufficient access to a building an issue?
Access can be an issue when attending properties that are not manned 24/7. We do not hold key holders details for premises so we rely on information given or the internet.
4) Is GIS used in anyway to prepare your response to a fire?
Yes, MDT on the appliances will determine the attendance to be mobilized based on the quickest response time.
5) Do you use or have access to BIMs (Building Information Models) before responding to an emergency?
Not that we are aware of here in Control but crews may have access to this information.
6) Is AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) a system you use at all and if so how?
Not that we know of.
7) How do you select sites for the construction of new fire stations?
No decided by us here in Control.
8) Is there anything you can currently use to check both access to a building and information on a building (e.g. construction materials and fire equipment locations) before responding to an emergency at that location?
Control would question callers for access points. Local crews may of carried out site visits to gain this information.
Thank you for your interest in Essex County Fire & Rescue Service.