Please see below the answer to your request.
Initial Request:
1. In the last three financial years (2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18) please provide me with (a) the number of settlements and (b) the total amount paid by the force as compensation to fire service personnel for injuries sustained while at work or as a result of their work duties. (c) Provide if possible a breakdown of the legal costs to the fire service associated with these claims.
2. For each payout that resulted in compensation of more than £5,000 being paid please provide me with (i) the amount of compensation, (ii) the costs associated with the claim and (iii) a one sentence summary of the nature of the successful claim against your service.
Note: The question relates to payments made in (2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18) regardless of when the incident took place or when the claim was lodged. If the settlement was made by your service's insurers it is still information "held" by your authority under the terms of the Act.
Final Response:
Having contacted the Service Insurers, there are no settled Employer Liability claims for the periods in question.