Essex County Fire & Rescue Service

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FOI / 4086 / 2020 - Maternity Pay


Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service does hold the information you have requested.

Please see below the answer to your request.

Questions and final Response:

We are collecting information about maternity leave pay for firefighters in your fire and rescue service. Below is the information we would like to obtain from you under the Freedom of Information Act.

We would like to receive data relating to maternity leave pay made by your fire and rescue service, the below questions cover the 52 week period (Ordinary Maternity Leave and Additional Maternity Leave):

1. What pay does a firefighter receive for first 6 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?

2. What pay does a firefighter receive for the next 12 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?

3. What pay does a firefighter receive during for the next 21 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?

4. What pay does a firefighter receive during for the remaining 13 weeks (inclusive) of maternity leave?

Please find attached a Word document containing the answers to Questions 1, 2, 3 & 4 above.

5. Attach a copy of your most recent FRS maternity policy.

Please find attached a copy of ECFRS maternity policy.





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