Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service does hold the information you have requested.
Please see below the answer to your request.
Questions and final response:
I would like to request information under the Freedom of Information Act.
The information I require is in relation the organisations software contract specifically for Asset Management.
1. Do you have a system in place for asset tracking and testing?
Essex County Fire & Rescue Service do not have a specific system for asset tracking and testing.
2. If yes, who is your current system provider?
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
6. Did you go through a tendering exercise for procure the current system or was it procured through a framework?
Not applicable
7. If tendered when did you last tender for your current contract?
Not applicable
8. If tendered what portal did you tender on?
Not applicable
9. As a result of a tender / procurement exercise did you change providers?
Not applicable
10. If you answered no in question 1, how are you managing your assets and recording any testing information?
We use an Excel spreadsheet for managing and recording our assets.
11. If you answered no in question 1, are you looking to procure a system to manage your assets in the future?
We are not looking to procure a system to manage our assets.
12. If yes, do you have an indicative start date?
Not applicable