Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service (ECFRS) does hold the information you have requested.
Please see below the answers to your request.
Questions and final response:
1) An up-to-date fleet list including the following information:
a. Vehicle type (i.e. water tender, turntable ladder etc.)
b. Call sign
c. Home station or department
d. Make/manufacturer
e. Age of vehicle (or year brought into service)
f. Fleet number
Please find attached an Excel spreadsheet containing our current fleet list.
2) Please confirm whether there are any vehicles currently on order or awaiting delivery from suppliers
Vehicles on order: -
· 2 x Hyundai pool vehicles
· 12 x multi purpose small vans
· 1 Multi purpose 3.5 t Van
3) Please list any vehicles that have been disposed of or sold in 2019 or so far in 2020.
Please find attached an Excel spreadsheet containing a list of vehicles that have been disposed of in 2019 and 2020.