Essex County Fire & Rescue Service

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FOI 4581 / April 2023 / Appliance Timings


I would like to know the following for all pumping and specialist appliances including neighbouring brigades:

Part 1: · Callsign · Time mobilised · Time on scene · Time available

for the following incidents:

Number Incident type, address and date Incident number

1 Factory fire, Christopher Martin Road, Basildon on 29/08/2020 220129955

2 Thatch pub fire, High Street, Arkesden on 27/03/2022 222164602

3 Industrial unit fire, River Way, Harlow on 26/04/2022 222166673

4 Pub and two houses alight, Church Street, Harwich on 14/06/2022 222169836

5 Industrial unit fire, Towers Road, Grays on 27/06/2022 222170818

6 Large field fire, Harlow Road, Moreton on 13/07/2022 222172220

7 Large field fire, Strethall Road, Littlebury on 17/07/2022 222172643

8 Roof of train station alight, Great Chesterford on 17/07/2022 222172661

9 Large field fire, Harwich Road, Ardleigh on 03/08/2022 222174593

10 Large field fire, Hollow Road, Broomfield on 12/08/2022 222175656

11 Large field fire, Fern Hill Lane, Harlow on 13/08/2022 222175790

12 Large field fire, Canvey Road, Canvey on 13/08/2022 222175819

13 Large field fire, Gilden Way, Old Harlow on 13/08/2022 222175837

14 Large field fire, Buckingham Hill Road, Linford on 13/08/2022 222175839

15 Industrial unit fire, Croft Way, Witham on 05/09/2022 222177940

Please note that some discrepancies have been identified within the data which are as follows:

34A1 missing for incident number 222166673- pictured in use at the scene.

12P1, 20P1, 88P1, 25M4, 25C1, 10P2, 35P3 missing for incident number 222169836- all confirmed to have attended at height of fire.

Bishops Stortford pump (BTS1) missing for incident number 222172220- confirmed by Herts fire service to have attended.

SAW1 (Sawston) and COT1 (Cottenham) of Cambridgeshire both missing from incident number 222172643- confirmed to have attended via the station's respective Facebook pages.

WAL2, 34R3, 25M4 missing from incident number 222175790- pictured and/or seen by me personally at incident.

I would like these to be included within the data please- thank you.

Part 2: I would like the appliance timings (same 4 headings as part 1, for all pumps and specialist appliances including neighbouring brigades for the following incidents: ·

Large field fire, Buckles Lane, South Ockendon on 15/07/2018 ·

Thatch cottage fire, Harts Lane, Ardleigh on 20/01/2019 ·

Scrapyard fire, Cement Block Cottages, Grays on 23/04/2019 ·

Large field fire, Little Walden Road, Saffron Walden on 30/08/2019

I did request this information back in May 2020, but as shown below, the transparency data appliance attendance was updated on the following dates:

Buckles Lane field fire updated on 26/03/2021

Ardleigh thatch cottage fire updated on 11/11/2020

Grays scrapyard fire updated on 11/11/2020

Saffron Walden field fire updated on 26/03/2021

The freedom of information act 2000 states a public authority cannot refuse a request as repeated once a reasonable period has passed. It is now 36 months since the May 2020 request so feel that is certainly a reasonable period.

Part 3 I would like the time mobilised, time on scene and time available for the following callsigns: ·

35P1, 84P1, 82P1, 78P2 and 46T1 for incident number 21614284 ·

30A5 (when it was mobilised sometime between 00:33 and 01:28) and 50P1 for incident number 21761309

Please provide all information within a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with Parts 1 and 2 laid out as per FOI/3907 Part 4: Copies of the assistance messages (Make Pumps followed by a number and time message sent) for the following incidents in Part 1:

Number 4

Number 5

Number 7

Number 10

Number 12

Number 15



Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

We can confirm that Essex County Fire & Rescue Service does hold the information you have requested.

Questions and final response:

Question 1 – I would like to know the following for all pumping and specialist appliances including neighbouring brigades: Part 1: Callsign·Time mobilised·Time on scene· Time available for the following incidents:

1 220129955 Factory fire, Christopher Martin Road, Basildon 29/08/2020

2 22216460 Thatch pub fire, High Street, Arkesden 27/03/2022

3 222166673 Industrial unit fire, River Way, Harlow 26/04/2022

4 222169836 Pub /two houses alight, Church Street, Harwich 14/06/2022

5 222170818 Industrial unit fire, Towers Road, Grays 27/06/2022

6 222172220 Large field fire, Harlow Road, Moreton 13/07/2022

7 222172643 Large field fire, Strethall Road, Littlebury 17/07/2022

8 222172661 Roof of train station alight, Great Chesterford 17/07/2022

9 222174593 Large field fire, Harwich Road, Ardleigh 03/08/2022

10 222175656 Large field fire, Hollow Road, Broomfield 12/08/2022

11 222175790 Large field fire, Fern Hill Lane, Harlow 13/08/2022

12 222175819 Large field fire, Canvey Road, Canvey 13/08/2022

13 222175837 Large field fire, Gilden Way, Old Harlow 13/08/2022

14 222175839 Large field fire, Buckingham Hill Road, Linford 13/08/2022

15 222177940 Industrial unit fire, Croft Way, Witham 05/09/2022 

Please note that some discrepancies have been identified within the data which are as follows:

222166673 - 34A1 missing for incident number pictured in use at the scene.

222169836 - 12P1, 20P1, 88P1, 25M4, 25C1, 10P2, 35P3 missing for incident number - all confirmed to have attended at height of fire.

222172220* - Bishops Stortford pump (BTS1) missing for incident number - confirmed by Herts fire service to have attended. (*Inc 222172224 relates)

222172643 - SAW1 (Sawston) and COT1 (Cottenham) of Cambridgeshire both missing from incident number

222172643- confirmed to have attended via the station's respective Facebook pages.

222175790 - WAL2, 34R3, 25M4 missing from incident number pictured and/or seen by me personally at incident. I would like these to be included within the data please- thank you.

See attached spreadsheet Part 1 tab.

In relation to the discrepancies you list, on many of our large incidents, we occasionally have to create an additional incident which becomes the main incident. Occasionally the resources are not all uploaded to the new incident. The spreadsheet should now accurately reflect the attendances.

You will see there are some notes on the right hand side of the spreadsheet, this may help with your analysis.

Other Fire and Rescue Services Appliances/Deployment Cottenham were mobilised to relief one of the Cambridge crews at 18:28hrs subsequently both of the Cambridgeshire appliances were no longer required at the incident ,

Cottenham then booked available at 19:30hrs.

For all appliances from neighbouring brigades, we do not always hold the data.

Please contact the relevant brigades to obtain the information concerning the appliances you are querying. 

Question 2 – Part 2:I would like the appliance timings (same 4 headings as part 1, for all pumps and specialist appliances including neighbouring brigades for the following incidents:

Large field fire, Buckles Lane, South Ockendon on 15/07/2018 - 21881801

Thatch cottage fire, Harts Lane, Ardleigh on 20/01/2019 - 21993710

Scrapyard fire, Cement Block Cottages, Grays on 23/04/2019 - 21999172

Large field fire, Little Walden Road, Saffron Walden on 30/08/2019 - 219107874

I did request this information back in May 2020, but as shown below, the transparency data appliance attendance was updated on the following dates:

Buckles Lane field fire updated on 26/03/2021

Ardleigh thatch cottage fire updated on 11/11/2020

Grays scrapyard fire updated on 11/11/2020

Saffron Walden field fire updated on 26/03/2021?

See attached spreadsheet Part 2 tab.

Question 3 – Part 3 I would like the time mobilised, time on scene and time available for the following callsigns:

35P1, 84P1, 82P1, 78P2 and 46T1 for incident number 21614284

30A5 (when it was mobilised sometime between 00:33 and 01:28) and 50P1 for incident number 21761309 ?

See attached spreadsheet Part 3 tab.

Question 4 – Part 4:Copies of the assistance messages (Make Pumps followed by a number and time message sent) for the following incidents in Part 1:Number 4 Number 5 Number 7 Number 10 Number 12 Number 15 ?

See attached spreadsheet Part 4 tab.


Incident and other data is published on our transparency site. Incident Data ( .

Please note that the response and data released to you as part of this request will be published on our website

All requests will be anonymised and no personal information including contact details will be disclosed as part of this process.


Thank you for your interest in Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, we hope this satisfies your request.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to apply for an internal review.

Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of your original email and should be sent to or sent to our postal address: Internal Review, System & Data Information Governance Team, Kelvedon Park, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex CM8 3HB.

Please ensure you quote the above reference number in all future communications.

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