Essex County Fire & Rescue Service

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FOI / 4093 / 2020 - Rescues by ECFRS


1. How many individuals has your fire and rescue service had to rescue - due to fire, flooding or any other safety risk / threat - from a non-residential building in the past five years?


Table 1 – Rescues from non-residential buildings


217 individuals


233 individuals


203 individuals


183 individuals


178 individuals


2. Have you had to adapt or introduce any specific operational training in order to improve the operational response to rescuing individuals from buildings due to the changing nature of risk today, e.g. handling newer threats like a terrorist attack in addition to “traditional” threats like fire and flood etc.?

Yes – we have already done this

No, not yet – but we are planning to do this

No – and we do not currently plan to do so


3. As an enforcing authority for the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 or RRO, how many commercial premises has your Fire and Rescue Service found to have failed to comply with BS 8300:2009 (Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people), for example, lack of Personal Fire Evacuation Plans drawn up for disabled people in the building or non-compliant fire compartmentation in buildings used by disabled people?

ECFRS do not identify premises that are specifically BS 8300:2009 (Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people).

ECFRS are the statutory consultees under the Building Regulations 2010 and are the Enforcement Authority for the Fire Safety Order 2005


4. How many disabled people has your fire and rescue service had to rescue from a non-residential building over the last five years?

We do not record the number of disabled people we have rescued on our Incident Recording System (IRS).

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